Take Tell ASDA Survey to Win £1,000 Cash Prize 2024

Tellasda Survey – ASDA, a British supermarket retailer, conducts an ASDA Customer Satisfaction Survey online to collect customer reviews.

Customers’ feedback is carefully considered by the company and they offer a chance to win the £1000 ASDA Survey Prize Draw by sharing ASDA Feedback at www.Tellasda.com.

Did you go to the ASDA store in the last few days? You can share your feedback in the ASDA Survey.

All ASDA Store visitors can complete an online survey to enter the prize draw event. However, It is Important to follow the instructions And FulfFill The Requirements to join.


Purpose of the Tellasda UK Survey

The ASDA Stores Survey’s purpose is purely customer-centric. As we have said, customers are the foundation of a company’s success.

Happy customers are a good thing for any business. ASDA Stores Surveys allow customers to voice concerns and provide feedback to help them make improvements to ensure that their experience is better in the future.

Even by providing those suggestions/opinions, the consumer is provided with the chance to receive a gift voucher worth £1,000, which means that the ASDA Shops appreciate the time and commitment of their customers very highly.

You will enjoy a wonderful experience next time you shop at the ASDA shops.

In exchange for the chance to win £1,000 cash, individuals who are unexpectedly able to offer incredibly attentive attention might be willing to give feedback on an existing excursion.

To be eligible for the drawing, The feedback must be submitted within 28 Days From The Date of Acceptance.

Tell ASDA Survey Reward

The reward is £1,000 in PayPal cash. The survey sponsors will notify the contact details that you provided in the survey if you win.

Keep checking for the announcement of the prize draw winners, as you never know if you might be a lucky cash prize draw winner.

www.Tellasda.com UK Survey Rules and Requirements

  • A valid visit receipt is required for any customer or survey participant.
  • Participation in the survey requires a device (PC or mobile, laptop), an internet connection, an email ID, and an understanding of English/Spanish.
  • In order to participate the applicants must be 18 or over.Only UK Citizens are eligible to take this survey.
  • Northern Ireland customers do not need to make any purchase or pay for feedback or to enter the cash prize drawing.
  • Customers from England and Wales must purchase a product.
  • Employees, representatives, officers, managers, and any other staff members associated with the ASDA store chain, the sponsor, or their families sharing the same household, are not permitted to participate in the survey or cash prize drawing event.
  • Survey participants can only participate in the survey once. The prize draw is only available once.
  • The winner must also send proof of receipt; any lost or damaged receipts are null.
  • A random prize draw winner will also be announced at the conclusion of each month. One (1) prize will be awarded PS1,000. Payments will be made through PayPal.

Quicksteps to Win £1000 Cash Prize from ASDA

  • Visit the TellASDA Survey homepage www.tellasda.com.
  • Enter the date, store, and ASDA Survey Code to enter the survey feedback homepage.
  • You can now rate ASDA Feedback and answer store experience questions.
  • On the same page, provide the Personal Identity.
  • You can submit an online survey to receive an automatic entry into the prize draw.

After completing an online survey, a survey participant must wait for the announcement of the winners. The winners will be notified by email and given £1000 Cash.

How to Do the ASDA Feedback Survey at www.Tellasda.com – Detailed Guide

1. Visit the ASDA Survey Feedback Portal online, www.Tellasda.com.


2. Please enter the date and hour you visited ASDA, the ASDA store number, and the transaction number.

3. If you work in any ASDA store, please choose YES/NO.

4. Choose the primary reason for visiting the ASDA store.

5. Answer/rate any questions you may have had at the store.

6. Select your GENDER AND AGE to be classified.

7. You should also Enter The Number of Adults and children in Your household.

8. If you want to be entered in the prize draw, select the option YES to the question.

9. You must now provide the following personal information to participate in the prize drawing event: Initial Name, Last Name Phone, and email address.

10. You are done!

11. A survey participant will now have to wait for ASDA Store Chain’s announcement of the prize draw winners.

Tellasda.com Survey – Helpful Tips

  • ASDA customers or users who took part in the ASDA survey should check the TellASDA Prize Draw winners after they have been announced. There is a possibility that you could win cash.
  • Users also recommended keeping receipts in order to avoid losing them at restaurants, shops, pharmacies, and other retail establishments.
  • TellASDA Survey participants with problems sharing ASDA feedback at www.tellasda.com can submit their issues below.

About ASDA

ASDA Supermarket Stores and Outlets, a UK chain of general stores, is located in Leeds, West Yorkshire. Walmart was founded the company in 1949.

ASDA Stores has a GBP revenue actually of 30.29. ASDA Convenience Outlets are a great way to save money. As it happens, the ASDA Stores survey reward will be more rewarding than any other experience that you might have with food supplies.

Final Words

Dear ASDA Grocery Stores customers, and potential ASDA Grocery Stores customers, why aren’t you all here?

Take the survey and shop at the ASDA Convenience Stores and Branches.

Be sure to look out for ASDA Survey prize winners. You will be awarded £1000 PayPal money if you are selected from all those who have joined.

You will earn £1000 in PayPal money if you are unable to submit your ASDA Feedback by ASDA Stores Shop Your Say Survey.

What’s the harm in taking the survey?


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